About Me

I am a junior undergraduate student majoring in Data Science in the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tongji University.

Research Interest

  • Lottery Ticket Hypothesis
    • Lottery Ticket Hypothesis
  • Recommendation System
    • Bundle Recommendation
    • Recommendation with KGs


  • 2024 Feb:One paper submitted to ICML'24
  • 2023 Dec:One paper submitted to DASFAA'24
  • 2023 Sep:One paper submitted to ICLR'24

Work Experience

  • Research Intern in Recommendation Lab, Tongji University 2023.3-present
    I serve as a research intern in Recommendation Lab to research the Bundle Recommendation and Recommendation System with KGs, under the supervision of Prof.Zhihua Wei.

Honors & Awards

  • Hornors
    • National Scholarship in Tongji University, 2023
    • Merit Student in Tongji University,2023
    • Scholarships for social activities in Tongji University,2023
    • Tongji University undergraduate outstanding student scholarship,2021,2022
  • Awards
    • First Prize in China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modelling, 2023
    • Second Prize of Global Campus Artificial Intelligence Algorithm Elite Competition,2023
    • the 7th Place in CCF Sentence Commutation Prediction Competition, 2022
    • First Prize of National College Statistical Modeling Competition in Shanghai Area,2023
    • Meritorious Winner of American Methematical Contest In Modeling, 2023
    • Second Prize of Lanqiao Programming Contest in Shanghai Area,2022